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Stratasys公司已在全球安装了大量的原型和直接数字化生产系统,其数量之多没有其他任何一家公司能及。公司通过为原型创造性地推出产品级材料,引导Real PartsTM的直接数字化生产,从而成为技术革新的佼佼者。Stratasys公司目前占有41%的市场份额,已经连续5年在市场上领跑。 
Stratasys FDM系统使用生产级热塑性塑料,它能够根据您对材料的需求匹配相应的部件属性-充分满足您从事功能检测和最终使用所切实需要的部件的生产能力。
Stratasys has installed more prototyping and direct digital manufacturing systems globally than any competitor. From our pioneering introduction of production-grade materials for prototyping, to direct digital manufacturing of Real PartsTM, Stratasys is renowned as a technical innovator. With a current market share of 41%, Stratasys has been the market-share leader for the last;five consecutive years. 
Using its patented FDMTM (Fused Deposition Modeling) technology, Stratasys systems produce accurate three-dimensional parts directly from 3D CAD;files for use for design verification, through prototyping, through direct digital manufacturing.
Stratasys FDM systems use production-grade thermoplastics which allow you to match part properties with the material that fits your needs - giving you the ability to manufacture Real Parts that are though enough for functional testing and end-use.
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